Hekim Karapınar, Müntecep Aşker, İbrahim Gül, Zekeriya Küçükdurmaz

Keywords: Coronary vessel anomalies; acute coronary syndrome; catheterization.


Coronary artery anomalies could be cause of confl icts for catheterization, especially, in the setting of acute coronary syndrome. We described a case of rare single coronary anomaly which the right coronary artery arisen from terminal part of left circumfl ex artery. Patient was presented with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography revealed subtotal stenosis of left anterior descending artery at the mid portion. Left circumfl ex artery lying in usual route and branch out the posterior descending artery. The right coronary artery arisen from terminal circumfl ex artery. Left anterior descending artery lesion was stented without any complication.