Current Issue: December 2024, Volume 27 - Issue 3
Original Article
Does Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Have an Impact on Contrast Induced Nephropathy and Adverse Events in Non-ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction?
Fatih Koca, Ömer Furkan Demir, Nur Özer Şensoy, Barış Şensoy, Nurcan Kat, Fatih Levent, Gökhan Özmen, Mehmet Demir, Erhan Tenekecioğlu
Pages: 97-102 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.457
484 325
The Effect of Surgical Mask Use on Respiratory Functions of Healthcare Professionals at Different Physical Activity Levels
Sertaç Yakal, Şensu Dinçer, Sergen Devran, Aysun Ertuna, Bülent Bayraktar
Pages: 103-107 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.471
406 206
Surgical Approach to Moderate to Severe Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Following the First Myocardial Infarction
Barış Timur, Gamze Babur Güler, Tuğba Aktemur, Zihni Mert Duman, Timuçin Aksu, Zinar Apaydın, Taner İyigün
Pages: 108-113 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.460
335 177
Surgical Treatment of the Aortic Coarctation in Adults: Extra Anatomical Ascending-to-descending Aortic Bypass and Concomitant Procedures
Ayşe Zehra Karakoç, Mustafa Akbulut, Adnan Ak, Mehmet Altuğ Tuncer
Pages: 114-118 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.477
291 141
A Comparison of Early and Medium-term Results of De Vega Annuloplasty and Ring Annuloplasty Techniques for the Tricuspid Valve Repair in Patients Undergoing Mitral Valve Replacement
Cüneyt Arkan, Mehmet Erdem Toker
Pages: 119-125 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.466
269 144
The Relationship between Aortic Clamping Time and Platelet-lymphocyte Ratio in Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Duygu Durmaz, Sedat Gündöner
Pages: 126-130 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.468
395 129
Case Report
Post-coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia in a Patient with Kaposi’s Sarcoma: A Complex Hematological Challenge
Babürhan Özbek, Ayhan Güneş, Kenan Öztürker, Ömer Faruk Şavluk, Deniz Çevirme, Murat Uğur
Pages: 131-134 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.464
291 158
Letter to the Editor
The Importance of Hemostasis in Radial Artery Interventions
Yücel Kanal
Pages: 135-136 DOI: 10.51645/khj.2024.472
332 133