Cengiz Köksal, Saleh Alsalehi, Özgür Kocamaz, Hasan Sunar

Keywords: Chronic venous insufficiency, Sclerotherapy, Endovenous laser treatment, Radiofrequency ablation


Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), with its high prevalence, high cost of diagnosis and treatment, substantial loss in manpower and negative effects on quality of life, is an important health issue. A comprehensive knowledge of the anatomy and functions of venous system is a must to understand the pathophysiology of CVI. The diagnosis of CVI is made by history, physical examination and noninvasive tests. The traditional surgical strategy for CVI treatment is high ligation of saphenofemoral vein and saphenous vein stripping. In recent years, novel minimally invasive techniques such as ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy, endovenous laser and radiofrequency ablation have been more widely applied. Here, we have reviewed the various treatment strategies used in CVI.