January 2002, Volume 6 - Issue 1
Hemodulition During Off-Pump CABG: Can We Improve Flow and Reduce Hypercoagubility?
M. Guden, İ. Sani̇soglu, E. Sagbas, M.u Ergenoglu, U. Ozbek, B. Akpi̇nar
Pages: 1-5
0 434
Reperfusion Strategy After Regional Ischemia: Comparative Study of Reperfusion Conditions and Compositions: Pressure; Temperature and Additives
N.t Ogus, M.t Us, H. Ogus, V. Erentug, T. Yi̇ldi̇ri̇m, O. Isi̇k
Pages: 6-16
0 459
Can Progressıon of Subsequenthypoxia Be Estimated By Preoperative Pulmonary Function Tests After Coronary Bypass Grafting?
T. Ege, S. Canbaz, M. Ci̇ki̇ri̇kci̇oglu, H. Sunar, M. Edi̇s, B. Ci̇ki̇ri̇kci̇oglu, E. Duran
Pages: 17-24
0 441
C-Reactive Protein Analyses of Pericardial Fluid
T. Ege, M.H Us, M. Ci̇ki̇ri̇kci̇oglu, C. Arar, E Duran
Pages: 25-30
0 446
Results of Thoracoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy with Two Thoracoports Running Title: Two-Ports Thoracic Sympathectomy
T. Isitmangil, R. Gorur, H. Tunc, S. Sebit, O. Erdik, H. Cermik, A. Toker, M.K Celenk, M. Us, K. Balkanli, O.Y Ozturk
Pages: 31-36
0 453
A Case of Rapidly Resolving Phantom Tumor After Acute Ventricular Functional Improving Following CABG
T. Yavuz, A. Ocal, C. Nazli̇, O. Ki̇nay, E. İbri̇si̇m, A. Kutsal
Pages: 37-40
0 408
A Case of Mitral Stenosis Complicated with Seronegative Brucella Endocarditis
T. Yavuz, C. Agalar, A Ocal, E. İbri̇si̇m, A. Kutsal
Pages: 41-44
0 454