Correlation Between Relative Handgrip Strength Index as well as Chronotropic Response Index and Heart Rate Recovery Index
Derya Öztürk1, Arif Oğuzhan Çimen2
, İbrahim Halil Ural3
1Fatih Medicalpark Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Istanbul, Turkey
2University of Bahcesehir, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Istanbul, Turkey
3University of Beykent, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Relative handgrip strength, heart rate recovery, low chronotropic index
Introduction: This study evaluated the relationship between relative handgrip strenght index (rHGSi) as well as chronotropic response index (Cri) and heart rate recovery index (HRRi), which are the prognostic parameters of treadmill exercise.
Patients and Methods: In total, 490 patients who were recommended to undergo the exercise electrocardiographic test were recruited in this study. The participants were divided into two groups based on both Cri (normal and low CRi groups) and rHGSi (high and low rHGSi groups).
Results: The treadmill exercise time, peak heart rate, and metabolic equivalents were higher in the high rHGSi group than in the low rHGSi group. In addition, the 1st minute HRRi and Cri were higher in the high rHGSi group than in the low rHGSi group. The treadmill exercise time, basal and peak heart rate, metabolic equivalents, and 1st minute HRRi were significantly lower in the low CRi group than in the normal Cri group. rHGSi was considered an independent predictor of low chronotropic response index. Based on a bivariate analysis, a statistically significant positive correlation was observed between Cri and rHGSi. Similarly, there was a positive association between rHGSi and 1st minute HRRi.
Conclusion: rHGSi might be a practical and effective tool in cardiovascular risk stratification.
Ethics committee approval was received for this study from the Bahcesehir University Clinical Researchs Ethics Committee (No: 2020-05/04, Date: 18/03/2020).
Written informed consent was obtained from patients who participated in this study.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept/Design - DÖ, AÇ, İU; Analysis/Interpretation - DÖ, AÇ; Data Collection - AÇ, İU; Writing - DÖ; Critical Revision - DÖ, İU; Final Approval - AÇ, İU.
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.