Does Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Have an Impact on Contrast Induced Nephropathy and Adverse Events in Non-ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction?
Fatih Koca1, Ömer Furkan Demir1
, Nur Özer Şensoy2
, Barış Şensoy1
, Nurcan Kat3
, Fatih Levent1
, Gökhan Özmen1
, Mehmet Demir1
, Erhan Tenekecioğlu1
1Department of Cardiology, Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Türkiye
2Depertment of Nephrology, University of Health Science, Bursa City Hospital, Bursa, Türkiye
3Department of Radiology, Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Türkiye
Keywords: Contrast-induced nephropathy; hepatosteatosis; MACCE; NSTEMI; syntax score.
Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). As a secondary goal, we aimed to explore the impact of NAFLD on short-term adverse events and coronary artery disease (CAD) severity in patients with NSTEMI.
Methods: Three hundred and seven NSTEMI patients were included in this study. Laboratory analyses of these patients were performed before the procedure and 48–72 h after the procedure, and all patients underwent pre-procedure 2-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography and pre-discharge abdominal ultrasonography. The NAFLD (-) and (+) groups were compared statistically in terms of CIN, major cardiovascular-cerebrovascular adverse events (MACCE), and coronary artery severity (assessed by syntax score).
Results: The mean age of the 307 consecutive patients included in the study was 61.58±12.39 (min-max: 26–94). The rates of CIN (primary objective) and MACCE and syntax scores (secondary objective) were comparable in both groups.
Conclusion: In patients with NSTEMI, there was no relationship between NAFLD and CIN and short-term MACCE. Furthermore, NAFLD may not have an impact on the CAD severity in such patients. Based on these results, NAFLD is not a risk factor for CIN, short-term mortality, or CAD severity in NSTEMI patients.
Cite This Article: Koca F, Demir ÖF, Şensoy NÖ, Şensoy B, Kat N, Levent F, et al. Does Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Have an Impact on Contrast Induced Nephropathy and Adverse Events in Non-ST-elevation? Koşuyolu Heart J 2024;27(3):97–102
The study was approved by the University of Health Sciences Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital Ethics Committee (no: 2011-KAEK-25 2022/11-10, date: 16/11/2022).
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept – F.K., B.Ş., N.Ö.Ş., N.K.; Design – F.K., B.Ş., Ö.F.D.; Supervision – E.T., M.D.; Funding – F.K., F.L.; Data collection and/ or processing – F.K., Ö.F.D., E.T., G.Ö., N.K.; Data analysis and/or interpretation – F.K., Ö.F.D., E.T.; Literature search – F.K., Ö.F.D., B.Ş., N.Ö.Ş., N.K.; Writing – F.K., B.Ş., Ö.F.D.; Critical review – M.D., E.T., B.Ş.
All authors declared no conflict of interest.
No AI technologies utilized.
The authors declared that this study received no financial support.