CELALETTIN Günay, ALPER Uçak, FARUK Cıngöz, HAKAN Bıngöl, ERKAN Kuralay

Keywords: Extra-anatomic, femoropopliteal bypass.


We performed an extended extra-anatomic bypass to salvage the both lower extremities in a diabetic and obes woman who had critical ischemia in her both lower extremities. Patient also had several abdominal operations. The patient did not have a good arterial vasculature as inflow or outflow conduit in the right femoral region and she also had femoro-popliteal bypass which was occluded on the left lower limb. Firstly, trombectomy was performed to the occluded graft. Secondly, left axillofemoral, thirdly, left to right cross-over, finally, femoro-popliteal bypasses were performed to make an axillobipopliteal bypass functionally. The case will be evaluated under the literature knowledge.